Curbside Trash Pickup & County Disposal Area
Residential Trash Collection:  Place residential trash containers on your curb on Thursday evening for weekly Friday pickup around 5 a.m. This service to town residents is financed by your property taxes. Bulk trash will be picked up on a designated Saturday each year usually in May. You will receive a flyer alerting you of the date and times. Also consult the Public Notice page of this website for information.

Queen Anne's County Disposal Area is located about a mile out of town. Take Route 19 past the Church Hill Theater out of town and then turn right on Route 405. The disposal area is about 100 yards down Route 405 on the right.

Disposal Tickets are required to use this County Disposal Area. The ticket books may be purchased at Rhodes Store at 620 Main Street  in Church Hill. Currently the ticket book costs $60 for 15 tickets.

Recycling may be done at the QA County Disposal Area at no charge. They accept plastic (numbers 1 & 2) , newspaper, mixed paper, cardboard, glass, used motor oil and antifreeze. Tires are recycled by using your dump tickets. Consult the on-site personnel for cost.

For additional information, contact the Church Hill Disposal Area by calling 410-556-6707.